Monday, November 12, 2007

Janessa's Birth story

After the drama of Colin's birth I told anyone who would listen that this time I would not spend days in the hospital, this baby would get an eviction notice at 37 weeks, and I didn't care if I delivered her in the parking lot. Little did I know......

April 14th: I awoke around 3am feeling out of sorts. I was having some contractions and noticed some "bloody show" when I went to the bathroom. I didn't want to disturb Dustin's sleep so I decided to go back to bed on the cot in the nursery. I slept fine and went to my scheduled dr appt at 11am that morning. I was still having some bloody show and contractions so the dr checked me and said that I was 3cm and 80% effaced. She asked me if I was going to be having that baby today and to keep her posted as to how I was feeling. I went to work at 1pm and the contractions started coming with more regularity. I commented to my good friend and co-worker Alice that I was having a lot of them and she started keeping track. By the time she left work at 5pm the contractions were every 10 minutes but not painful. Her parting remarks were to have a nice maternity leave and to left her know how I was doing. I replied that I thought she was wrong and didn't want her to "jinx" me. When 7pm rolled around and I was off work the contractions had picked up in intensity and were getting uncomfortable. I walked in the door at home was greeted with Dustin arguing with our 2yr old son. I was annoyed and didn't want to deal with them, so I called my grandma and asked her to come over for awhile. I headed off to the shower. An hour later, still in the shower, my neighbor and close friend Paula appeared and told me it was time to get out. I complied and got dried off and dressed. We decided to call the dr office and I laid on the bed while she massaged my back. I told the dr that we would be heading up to the hospital soon and I was feeling pretty good. Dustin and Paula grabbed my bag and started me out the door. As soon as I headed down the hallway the pain became much greater. When I stepped out the door to the sidewalk I commented that I either had to push or puke. I think they carried me the rest of the way to the Durango. I sent Dustin back for some towels because my water hadn't broken and a small trash can in case I really had to throw up. He took off down the street like a crazy man. I remember telling him not to get us killed on the way to the hospital and that I wanted an epidural right NOW!. He pulled up at the emergency room doors and ran inside to get a nurse. It seemed to take forever; soon a nurse came out to my door and asked me what was going on- I said that I thought I was having a baby. She agreed and told me to get out of the truck and into the wheelchair. I shook my head no and she pulled me out of the vehicle. She then asked if my water had broken yet and I told her that it just had. The next thing I know she is running inside with me in the chair and we are going on the fastest ever elevator ride to the labor floor. She wheels me to one of the delivery suites and the labor nurse tells me to take off my pants and get into the bed so she can check me. I disagree again and am pulled out of the chair, pantsed, and put on the bed. She quickly checks me, tells me not to push, and runs out the door. I am left in the room by myself for what seems like another eternity. Soon the nurses come in and my husband returns from parking the car. The dr that was called to deliver the baby being born in the next room over is called to come into my room and tells the nurses it's ok for me to push because she can see the baby's head. Within 3 pushes Janessa was born at 8:51pm. She weighed 6lbs 11oz and was 20" long. My dr came in shortly after and finished me up. Then my Mom made it to the hospital only to find me holding the baby instead of still being in labor. Janessa wanted to nurse immediately but was having trouble breathing. They took her to the nursery to put a small tube down her nose and remove some of the fluid that was still in her lungs. Once again I was left in the delivery room alone- totally amazed at the way my night had gone. It was a surreal event and very close to my predictions! That will teach me to open my big mouth. In the end she was in perfect health and we did not need to stay at the hospital for an extended time. She is now 2 1/2 yrs old and our resident artist. She is so excited about growing bigger and becoming a big sister.


Ron_Enck said...

She is such a darling!
Grandpa Ron