Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Our battles lately have been over being "not tired" and not wanting to go to bed at night let alone take naps during the day.
Judging by the following pictures I would have to say, Mommy knows what's best!

I was sitting on the love seat and thought, at the time,

she was watching the tv from under the coffee table.

When I tried to wake her she wouldn't cooperate. So I popped popcorn and she woke up when she was ready, jumped onto the couch next to me and helped herself to my food.

Colin has been fighting allergies or a cold. The night before he was coughing so much I doubt he got any rest. We went to the store and got him some Benadryl. He had his first dose a little before lunch and then fell asleep sitting at the table.

He insists on carrying around a washcloth whenever he has a cold or runny nose. It helps him keep his germs off of everybody else.
I had no idea he would react so strongly to Benadryl. He ended up taking a 3 hour nap during the middle of the day and then slept all night. (I'll have to remember that for the future!)
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Unknown said...

Yeah...we've been dealing with illness combined with seasonal allergies...Milo was living on Children's Zyrtec for awhile and it just made him sooo tired. But e won't take naps anymore, so he'd just be cranky and complain all day about being tired. LOL That's cute about how Colin carries a washcloth around when he's sick.