Saturday, August 25, 2007

Up, Up, and Away- August 25th

Albany Art & Air Festival

Our friends the Taylors mentioned on Thursday that this was the weekend for the Art & Air Festival in Albany. They get up early and drive over to watch the hot air balloons lift off at "o-dark hundred". I think my comment was, "oh that would be fun", never imagining that we would be up and going that early on purpose. Just goes to show you what fate can do!! The kids were not only up at 5:30am but were not even remotely interested in going back to sleep or lazing quietly around the house.... so we decided why not check out the balloons. Of course, by the time we left the house the balloons were already launching. We spotted three on the drive over to the Albany airport and the chase was on! There was a train downtown and Dustin pulled some "evasive" not quite legal manuevers to get around it so we didn't loose the ballons. We ended up stopping in the Home Depot parking lot and got to watch five balloons lift off and up as the floated along south I-5. The kids were enthralled and kept squealing and pointing. We might just try and make it there again tomorrow morning so we can see more!


Anonymous said...

What a fun way to start the day! The kids will have wonderful memories of the fun family outings. Love you all!!!!!