Tuesday, July 3, 2007

"Electrical Cord" June 27th, 2007

I am officially 16 weeks pregnant today- only 4 more until we can see baby bean on the ultrasound and find out the sex. Colin and I were discussing the growing baby this morning and noted that my tummy was getting bigger; like Santa Claus! I tried to answer his many questions but thought that we could get some good pictures off of webmd that might be helpful. So I logged on and happened across a picture of a fetus at 16 weeks!! We talked about all of the things we saw including the umbilical cord and cervix. I explained that the umbilical cord is to feed the baby while it is growing inside of me and that the cervix is the opening the baby will eventually come out of. He remembered from when I was pregnant with Janessa that "when it's time Mommy and Papa go to the hospital and Mommy pushes the baby out". I then told him that the Papa cuts the cord and that's how you get your belly button. He thought that was all great and we went to get Grandma from her dr. appt. We practiced on the way up to get her saying the word "umbilical", it's quite a mouthful for a 4 yr old. As soon as Grandma got in the car he shouted, "Guess what Grandma?! When the baby comes out, Papa will cut the electrical cord and the baby will get a belly button!" He was so proud of himself!! And thankfully Grandma kept a straight face and continued the conversation, because I was hysterically laughing. He noticed my laughter and was on the way to getting his feelings hurt when I told him that he had tickled my funny bone and wasn't it hard to say umbilical correctly.... Crisis averted! He has since taken to purposefully saying electrical to watch people laugh:)


Heather said...

I love it! Your storytelling is marvelous! Can't wait for the next installment! ~H.