Monday, September 24, 2007

Janessa's First Haircut Sept 23

Up until today, I had honestly only cut a few snips of bangs. So finally at 2 1/2 yrs old she is ready for her first haircut. The things that us crazy parents get excited about......

She has seen big brother get many a haircut so we started with all of the necessary items; a spray bottle of water, cape, and sucker.

We armed Papa with the camera, 2 snips later and maybe an inch and a half of hair and the job was complete.

I know, to the un-practiced eye it looks like nothing has changed but if you look in previous pictures you will see the small locks of hair that I saved for her baby book. Overall it just evens out the back and now it curls and waves more than ever!


Anonymous said...

Too cute!!!
Grandpa Ron