Thursday, September 13, 2007

Colin's First Day of Preschool Sept 12th

Unfortunately, due to a very sick tummy, we missed the actual first day of school. But by Wednesday he was ready to go! We went over the basics again about raising your hand and listening to the teacher. Which was all met with "yeah, yeah Mom. I know what to do" spoken like a real pro. We arrived and unloaded, hung up his coat and bag. He went in the class room, washed his hands while I signed him in then it was a wave goodbye and I'll see you later Mom. I ran a few errands with Janessa and Eric and it was time to go back. He was excited to see us and proceeded to tell me he had such a good time that he didn't even miss me! Sigh!! He filled us in on his first day and was interested in what he could possibly have been doing without him. He was proud to tell everyone that he made some new friends and he raised his hand to talk to his teacher. It has been a difficult concept to explain that its not time for him to go to school everyday yet- that day will come!!


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a big boy!
Debbie, thanks for sharing all these great pictures.
Grandpa Ron

Anonymous said...

Before you know it he'll be all grown up and you'll be wondering how it happened so quickly!! What a wonderful almost 5 year old boy you are privileged to have; lots of love and joy.
Hugs & Kisses, Grandma Vicki