Saturday, July 7, 2007

Gov Patterson Wayside/ Fish Hatchery July 7th

Gov. Patterson Wayside

Janessa, "happy as a clam" at the beach! Mommy helped her build a sandcastle, don't laugh, it's hard to keep anything intact with a 2 yr old!!

By the time we left she had sand everywhere
and didn't understand why everything tasted

She and Papa had lots of fun going down to the ocean to get more water for the sandcastle.

Colin and Papa, poor little guy wasn't feeling all that great. It was a nice warm day but the wind was blowing and he kept telling us he was too cold to play.

Fish Hatchery

We took the kids for the first time to the Fish Hatchery just out of Alsea. At first we thought the place was desserted but we soon discovered a couple of tanks with loads of 4-5 inch trout. Then across the way was one tank with the big guys. I spent a whole 75 cents on fish food and we had a blast watching the feeding frenzy.
I, the innocent camera operator, got splashed numberous times- much to the kids delight! We also ventured to the other side of the road and discovered a "hatchery" of salamanders. Colin seemed disgusted by them but Janessa was captivated!! They were some of the biggest and fattest I've ever seen.